Kelly Cole - Captain
Starlet Twirler/Oglethorpe Majorette

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Hi, I'm Kelly Cole, I'm 15 years old and I twirl for Oglethorpe County High School in Lexington Georgia. I began twirling in first grade but I had to stop at the end of second grade because my family was moving to Europe. I was fortunate to be able to twirl in Holland for one year. My family and I moved back to the states at the end of my sixth grade year. I resumed twirling my seventh grade year. At the end of seventh grade I tried out for and made majorette at O.C.H.S. I've been a majorette at the high school for three years.

My other activities include competition twirling, horseback riding and competition, dance team, community theater, and of course, studying hard.


Designed & Maintained By:

Dianne Myers